Sheng De Fu residences on Baoqing Road, Taipei

Facts and Figures

Location/Taipei city
Site Area/1,926 sqm
Floor Area/28,207 sqm 
Building Height/88.3 m
Floors/24 Floors (above ground); 5 Floors (below ground)
Program/212 apartments


The project is located in the fourth section of Bade Road, with Songshan Primary School in the south, Keelung River in the north, Songshan Cihui Temple, Raohe Night Market, and MRT Songshan Station and Taiwan Railway Songshan Station in the west. This is a convenient and developed commercial land.

Looking at the Keelung River from the north in this design is the biggest selling point, and the magnificent vision is an important sign of this case.

Songshan Elementary School in the south also has a good view, making this project the highest and best high-end residence in the area.