CMU Medical Innovation Museum, Taichung

cooperated with  Gehry Partners, LLP

Facts and Figures

Location/Beitun District, Taichung City
Floors/5 Floors (above ground); 2Floors (below ground)
Building Height/25.48m
Program/Comprehensive stadium, student dining room, fitness and yoga classroom


Frank Gehry used the reflections of buildings, trees and sky on swimming pools and stainless steel plates as images. With the right tree species, I hope this building will become a colorful symphony, just like a life-giving impressionist painting

Urban art: conveying the architectural mission of innovation, technology, education and sustainable development

The project is located at Shuinan Airport with historical memory, and will create Taiwan’s first exhibition-style building that promotes medical aesthetics education with an innovative spirit. Under the symmetrical and sculptural design, the ups and downs are asymmetrical with high-precision metal details. Bringing a sculpture building that looks like a work of art from the outside to Taichung City also brings a brand new aesthetic concept to the Shuinan Economic and Trade Park.